National Conference of State Liquor Administrators
June 16, 2019 at 1:00 pm
June 19, 2019 at 12:00 pm
The Seelbach Hilton Hotel
500 South Fourth Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Take a tour of the Seelbach Hilton.
Conference Room Rate*:
SEELBACH Group Rate: NEARLY SOLD OUT! ($189.00/night plus taxes for single/double occupancy). See below about rooms at Embassy Suites.
SEELBACH Government Rate: SOLD OUT! ($122.00/night plus taxes for single/double occupancy) See below about per diem rooms at Embassy Suites.
NOTE: your State or Government ID is required at hotel check-in.
*Rates available 3 days before and after the conference, subject to hotel availability.
Reserve by Telephone: Call SEELBACH at (502) 585-3200 or toll free (800) 333-3399 and ask for Reservations.
Group Reservation Website: make your SEELBACH hotel reservation online!
Associate members and Invited Guests room block
Secondary Hotel - Embassy Suites Louisville Downtown, 501 S. Fourth St. (next to Seelbach)
EMBASSY SUITES Government Rate: $122.00/night plus taxes for single/double occupancy. There’s a limited number of rooms so reserve soon before they are gone! NOTE: your State or Government ID is required at hotel check-in.
EMBASSY SUITES Group Rate: $199.00/night plus taxes for single/double occupancy.
Reserve by Telephone EMBASSY SUITES: Call (502) 813-3838 to speak with Catherine Peace. Associate members and Invitees ask for group rate code CSL; State regulators and Government Associate members ask for per diem rate code NCP.
EMBASSY SUITES Group Reservation Websites: make your hotel reservation online (conference dates only)!
State Regulators and Government Associate members room block
Associate Members and Invited Guests room block
Public Transportation:
Airline Travel
Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport (SDF) is located approximately 15 minutes (6 miles) from the Seelbach Hilton and is serviced by major airlines. Please visit the website for more information.
Local Transportation
The Seelbach Hilton offers complimentary shuttle service to/from the Louisville International Airport from 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Call the Valet at (502) 585-3200 to schedule.
The EMBASSY SUITES offers complimentary shuttle service to/from the Louisville International Airport. Call the main number at (502) 813-3800 once flight lands; wait time is 15-20 minutes.
Cab fares cost approximately $25.00 to/from Louisville International Airport.
Driving Directions
Hotel Parking Rates
Valet – $27.00 per day
Self (or Off-site) - $23.00 per day
Conference Host – Contact:
Carol Beth Martin
Call (502) 782-1000 or email

June 16-19, 2019
Louisville, Kentucky


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Conference Information

Louisville. Looeyville. No matter how you say it, Louisville is a colorful southern city rich in tradition yet still vibrant earning its place as one of the top places to travel in the United States.

"If these United States can be called a body, then Kentucky can be called its heart."
                                          - Jesse Stuart

Business Meeting

Regulation of alcoholic beverages and industry practices are now more important than ever. Why you ask? Because the continuous evolution of innovation and technology driven by consumer demands and consolidation, necessitate that every level of government proactively re-evaluate their laws and regulations to thoughtfully yet safely support a level playing field of production, distribution, sales and marketing of products in this unique and transforming industry.

Join us for this year’s business program, titled "Regulation Matters," and learn about the consumer landscape of today and tomorrow in addition to recent regulatory challenges. Various panels about timely topics such as industry "diversity" and "human trafficking and alcohol" will be featured. Other subjects include: evolving industry business models, lessons learned from state software system deployments, what’s next in regulating cannabis businesses, the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court case of TWSRA v. Byrd (a Supreme Court decision is expected by the conference date), a legal update of the year’s influential court cases by Richard Blau, plus an ethics session and much more! NCSLA is your consistent source for strategic regulatory planning and sharing of best practices in these changing times and you won’t want to miss this educational event. To view the entire business agenda and partial list of proficient presenters, just click on the links below.

Business Agenda | Presenter Biographies | Social Agenda

Social Activities

The social agenda will include a Welcome Reception Sunday evening at the Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse located in the famous Fourth Street Live! entertainment district. The Bourbon Trail officially begins at the Frazier History Museum and many distilleries now have an urban experience along Whiskey Row. Attendees also have the option of visiting the Muhammad Ali Center and the Louisville Slugger Museum, to name a few. There are many attractions and events in Louisville so check out the opportunities and make plans to explore during your stay. Cue the bugler. The closing night will feature a Derby-themed evening at historic Churchill Downs where attendees will enjoy photos by the iconic Twin Spires, mock racing, and a tour of the track where the "fastest two minutes in sports" happens every May! Of course, everyone knows the Derby is about "Hatitude" and you’ll need a fashionable hat for this event. Don’t have one? Don’t want to pack one? No can make your very own personalized Derby hat upon arrival at Churchill Downs. The cost is $20 per person and you pay at the event. Be sure to select that option on the registration form if you’d like to participate.

Social Agenda

Registration Information

Early conference registration ends Wednesday, May 1, 2019 so don’t delay! The registration fee increases $50.00 starting May 2, 2019.

You have the option of paying by credit card or check. The registration fees are outlined below.

Registration fees:
  • State Member = $400 ($450 after May 1)
    TRAVEL BAN? Contact Pam Frantz for details about the NCSLA Travel Subsidy program.
  • Government Associate Member = $450 ($500 after May 1)
  • Associate Member = $550 ($600 after May 1)
  • Invitee of NCSLA President or Conference Host = $550 ($600 after May 1)
  • NCSLA Past President = Fee waived (NCSLA Bylaws Article I, Section 5B)
  • NCSLA Past President Spouse = Fee waived (NCSLA Bylaws Article I, Section 5B)
  • Spouse/Guest = $250 ($300 after May 1)
  • Spouse/Guest (Tuesday Churchill Downs Banquet Only) = $150 ($200 after May 1)
  • Guest 3 – 20 Years Old = $100 ($150 after May 1)
  • Guest 3 – 20 Years Old (Tuesday Churchill Downs Banquet Only) = $75 ($125 after May 1)
  • Guest 2 Years Old and Under = Fee Waived

If you are paying by check* please make it payable and mail to "National Conference of State Liquor Administrators", 543 Long Hill Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 along with a copy of your registration.

*Please note that payment by check is not available after May 31, 2019.*

CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations are subject to a $200.00 deduction per person. Due to contractual commitments there will be NO REFUNDS AFTER MAY 31, 2019. NCSLA Federal Tax ID Number: 52-6043243.

ATTIRE: Attire for all scheduled business and social functions is business casual with the exception of the Churchill Downs event, Derby-themed attire is welcome for the President’s Banquet. Churchill Downs Dress Code permits jackets, blazers, vests, shirts with collars, dresses, pantsuits, slacks, and sweaters. Please note that jeans, shorts, tennis shoes and denim are NOT permitted in specified areas of Churchill Downs.

WEATHER: The average high/low temperatures in Louisville are 85° / 65° F so be sure to pack for hot, sunny weather!

SPECIAL NEEDS:Individuals with disabilities or special dietary requirements who need special accommodations should email Jan Lile at to make arrangements. Requests should be made no later than Friday, May 31, 2019 to allow sufficient time for us to meet your needs.

EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: the cost of one (1) 6 ft. or 8 ft. skirted table for two (2) consecutive conference days is $400 per table. If you would like to purchase exhibit space please complete the Exhibitor section on the registration form. Exhibitor is responsible for making arrangements with the hotel. Please complete the Exhibit Requirement Form and send to Jeremy Miller at the Seelbach Hilton to coordinate and assist you with internet access or electrical needs (e.g. cords, power strips, etc.) and arrange for direct billing. Jeremy’s email address is and phone number is (502) 585-9218.

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If you don't have an account, complete the NCSLA User Account Application


Name Organization Title
Thomas Akras Maryland Alcohol and Tobacco Commission Director, Legal and Legislative Division
Donovan Anderson DC Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Administration ABC Board Chairman
Zandra Augustiro Honolulu Liquor Commssion Hearings Reporter - Supervisor
Bruce Bailey Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Commissioner
Debbi Beavers Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division - Department of Revenue Director
Nathan Beyer Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Administrative Assistant 2
Jonathan Brooks Oklahoma ABLE Commission Commissioner
Lori Carter Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement (ABLE) Commission Deputy Director and General Counsel
Matthew Cherry Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Marketing Practices Attorney
Richard Chesley South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Program Manager, Office of Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling
Brandon Clabes Oklahoma ABLE Commission Director
Ebony Connor TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Counsel
Lara Cunningham South Dakota Department of Revenue Sr. Revenue Agent
Ann DeGarmo Wisconsin Department of Revenue Excise Tax Specialist
Doug Denison Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Deputy Commissioner
Rodrigo Diaz Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board Liquor Control Board Chief Counsel
Randy Eichacker South Dakota Department of Revenue Revenue Supervisor
Kim Enriquez Pueblo of Pojoaque Alcoholic Beverage Commission PPABC Director
Doug Espejo County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
Kathy Fierro Pueblo of Pojoaque PPABC Commissioner - Chairperson
Charles Foster County of Kauai Department of Liquor Control Deputy County Attorney
Lisa Gardner Illinois Liquor Control Commission Executive Director
Ollie Garrett Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Board Member
Rick Garza Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Director
Minerva Gomez City of Las Vegas, Dept. of Planning-Business Licensing Division Business License Section Manager
Thomas Graham Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Executive Director
Edward Grandis DC Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Administration ABC Board Member
James Graziano New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control ABC Director
John Hamilton TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Member
Hunter Heffley Montana Department of Revenue - ABCD License Specialist
Travis G. Hill Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority Chief Executive Officer
Anna Hirai Honolulu Liquor Commission Assistant Administrator
Katherine Hoffman Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Alcohol Policy and Rules Manager
Jeffrey Hong Honolulu Liquor Commission Vice Chair
Annette Hooper Pueblo of Pojoaque PPABC Commissioner
Dillon Hullinger Honolulu Liquor Commission Commissioner
Stephen B. Humphress Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Assistant Attorney General
Ronald Ibarra County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
Cassie Isenhower-Coon TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission Digital & Social Media Manager
Daniel Jacob Honolulu Liquor Commission Corporation Counsel
Kizzy Jefferson South Carolina Department of Revenue - Alcohol Beverage Licensing Supervisor, ABL Section
Martha Jenkins DC Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Administration General Counsel
Raychel Johnston Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Enforcement Supervisor
Andrew Jurik Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission Public Safety Manager
Sara Kirk Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Training Specialist
Kirstin Krueger New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Deputy Director
Benjamin Kweskin Missouri Division of Alcohol & Tobacco Control General Counsel
Stephen Larson Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Administrator
Ernest Legier Louisiana Department of Revenue - Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner
Kellie Lovan Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Licensing Director
Kim Lowe Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Commissioner
DeMario Luttrell Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Bureau Chief - Regulatory Compliance
Luke Marshall Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Administrative Assistant 2
Robert L. Martin, III Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board General Counsel
Donald S. McGehee Michigan Liquor Control Commission Division Chief, Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement-Michigan Attorney General
Ashley Merritt Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission General Counsel
Renee C. Metz North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission Assistant General Counsel
Fred Moosally DC Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Administration Director
Justin Nordhorn Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Director of Policy and External Relations
Dionne Padilla-Huddleston Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Assistant Attorney General
Linda Pham-Kokinos Louisiana Department of Revenue - Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Attorney Supervisor
LeAnna Prange Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Deputy Director
Noel Quanbeck Illinois Liquor Control Commission General Counsel
Vincent Queano Clark County - Department of Business License Director
Angel Quintana Pueblo of Pojoaque PPABC Commissioner - Vicechair
Dawn Raymond County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Adjudication Board Member
Nicola Reid Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Licensing Compliance and Adjudications Manager
Lisa Reinke Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Deputy Chief
Sarah Ross Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority Associate Legal Counsel
Hobert Rupe Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Executive Director
Phillip Sanchez New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department - Alcoholic Beverage Control Division Division Counsel
Leo Sandoval Kauai Liquor Control Commission, County of Kauai Director
Mary Segawa Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Public Health Education Liaison
Rosetta Shatkin Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission Director of Government Relations
Rebecca Smith Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Director of Licensing and Regulation
Erik Smoot Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement (ABLE) Commission Captain
Michelle Stone-Principato Colorado Department of Revenue - Liquor Enforcement Division Director
Stephanie Strauss Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Government Relations Officer
Gerald Takase County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Director
Traci Taranik Montana Department of Revenue - ABCD Resolution Officer
Doug Taylor Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division - Department of Revenue Assistant Attorney General
Christin Templeton Missouri Division of Alcohol & Tobacco Control Acting State Supervisor
Christopher Thiemann Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Distilled Spirits Program Manager
Russell Thomas TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission Executive Director
Paula Thomas Gotshalk County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
David Tomita TN Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Member
Brandon Trapp Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Investigator
Chandra Wax Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Director of Enforcement and Education
Alyssa Wolfe New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Assistant Attorney General
Maggie Woods Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Malt Beverage Administrator
Ken Yoho Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Assistant Attorney General
Karthik Agarwal Gov2Biz, Inc. Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Akras Maryland Alcohol and Tobacco Commission Director, Legal and Legislative Division
Eric Anderson InfoLawGroup Partner
Michael Arton Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Legal Director
Winn Atkins Sazerac Company Vice President, Government Affairs
Jason Barker Holland & Knight LLP Partner
Shauna Barnes Barnes Beverage Group Founding Partner
Tony Barnes Mahou USA Chief Corporate Counsel, Mahou USA
Randy Barnhart Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits VP Governmental Relations Eastern Region & Canada
Theresa Barton Cray Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Attorney
Terri Beirne Wine Institute Eastern Counsel
Nicholas Bergman Buchman Law Firm, LLP Partner
Richard Blau GrayRobinson, P.A. Chair, Alcohol Beverage and Food Department
Annie Bones Wine Institute Regulatory Compliance Manager
Carrie Bonnington Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Managing Partner, Sacramento Office
Carl Bookwalter Mark Anthony Services, Inc. Compliance Manager
Lance Boozer SC Beer Wholesalers Association Executive Director
Donovan Borvan Webster Law Partners
Maggie Boyd McDermott Will & Emery Alcohol Regulatory Specialist
Philip Boykin Virginia Beer Wholesalers Association President & CEO
Dewey Brackin BrackinSchwartz & Associates Partner
Andrew Brady Gov2Biz, Inc. Senior Account Executive
Ashley Braun Constellation Brands, Inc. Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Michael Brewer Alcoholic Beverage Consulting Service President
Elizabeth Brogdon Wine & Spirits Wholesalers Association of South Carolina Executive Director
Matthew Bruner Fintech Inc Marketing Content Writer
Robert Budoff Distilled Spirits Council Of The United States (DISCUS) Senior Vice President of Legal and Regulatory Affairs
Clayton Byrd Amazon Services LLC Senior Manager, Public Policy
Kristin Carlton Penrose Hill, Limited Director of Compliance
Lori Carter Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement (ABLE) Commission Deputy Director and General Counsel
Kevin Castodio Boston Beer Corporation Corporate Counsel
Laurence Chaplin Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits Vice President
Will Cheek Adams and Reese, LLP Partner
Matthew Cherry Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Marketing Practices Attorney
Richard Chesley South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Program Manager, Office of Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling
Dimitrios Christopoulos Christopoulos Law Group, LLC Principal
Darren Clark Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. VP, Government Affairs & Corporate Citizenship
Mary Clarke Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. Assistant General Counsel
Roger Clayton Strike Kerr & Johns | Beverage Law Group LLP Attorney
Christopher Coleman Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
Nicholas Colucci Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Senior Director
Edward Cooper Total Wine & More VP, Public Affairs and Community Relations
Larry Cormier Sovos ShipCompliant GM, ShipCompliant
Ashley Cowgill Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Senior Associate
Jonathan Crumly Decisions Consulting LLC Chief Operating Officer
Christopher Curtin Republic National Distributing Co. Director of Regulatory Affairs
Danielle DAlessandro goPuff Corporate Affairs Principal
Fred Damuth The Greentree Group
Jim Darwin eStrategy Solutions, Inc. Consultant
Samantha Davidson Guinn Institute for Responsible Alcohol Policy President
Scott DeFife Glass Packaging Institute President
Rob DeVries Computronix (U.S.A.) Inc. Business Development Manager
Maribel Delgado E. & J. Gallo Winery Associate General Counsel, Sr. Director of Govt. Affairs
Kristina Dickens Christopoulos Law Group, LLC Partner
Kelly Diggins Constellation Brands, Inc. Deputy, General Counsel
Michelle Draper McDermott Will & Emery Alcohol Regulatory Specialist
Kellie Duhr Sazerac Company VP, State Government Affairs
Lara Dunbar Reyes Beverage Group Vice President, Government Relations & Public Affairs
R.E. Tuck Duncan Duncan Law Firm Attorney
Cheryl Durzy Liberation Distribution CEO
Earl Ehrhart Decisions Consulting LLC Chief Executive Officer
Danielle Elks Elks Law Attorney
Jamal Elsaadi Avior Inc. General Manager
Brad Epperly Nyemaster Goode, P.C. Shareholder
Susan Evans GrayRobinson, P.A. Consultant
Lindsey Farina Skene Law Firm, P.C. Associate
Earl Farkas Breakthru Beverage Group Special Counsel
Jim Farrell BMI Brand Services President & CEO
Brian Fink Danow, McMullan & Panoff, P.C. Associate
Jacqueline Flug Drizly, Inc. Vice President, Legal & Industry Affairs
Greeley Ford GrayRobinson, P.A. Consultant
Melissa Franklin COOP Ale Works Regulatory Specialist
Pamela Frantz NCSLA Executive Director
Kimberly Frost Martin, Frost & Hill, P.C. Shareholder
Emily Gant Foster Garvey PC Principal
Lisa Gardner Illinois Liquor Control Commission Executive Director
Gillian Garrett Gillian Garrett Law, PC Founder
Rick Garza Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Director
Jill Gautreaux Kean Miller LLP
Kevin Gerow Christopoulos Law Group LLC Associate
Jeff Giametta Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Counsel
Anthony Glover Constellation Brands, Inc. Director, Assistant General Counsel
Luis Gonzalez Republic National Distributing Co. VP, Regulatory Affairs & Commercial Counsel
Ashley Googer Decisions Consulting LLC Manager, National Licensing & Permits
Thomas Graham Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Executive Director
Steve Gross Wine Institute Vice President, State Relations
Spencer Guinn Beer Distributors of Oklahoma Director of Government Affairs
Micki Hackenberger The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Colorado Executive Director
Ben Halpert goPuff Head of Regulated Products & Corporate Compliance
Deni Hansberry Federal Express Corporation Senior Counsel
Curtis Harrington Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC Attorney
Amy Harrison Amy Harrison Consulting, LLC Consultant
Beth Hatef Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Counsel
Katie Hatfield E. & J. Gallo Winery Manager Corporate Compliance
Lynn Hawthorne I.D. Checking Guide National Accounts
Jake Hegeman Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. General Counsel
Alison Herman Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits Senior Counsel - Regulatory and Compliance
Henry Hildebrand Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC Attorney
Kyle Hill Martin, Frost & Hill, P.C. Shareholder
John Hinman Hinman & Carmichael LLP Partner
Bahaneh Hobel Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Partner and Head of Alcohol Beverage Law and Compliance
Dietrich Hoefner Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP Partner
Justina Hooper Infinium Spirits Corporate Counsel
Victoria G Horton California Beer & Beverage Distributors Association President/CEO
Kelly Houston Decisions Consulting LLC Manager, National Licensing & Permits
Ryan Hughes Griffith & Hughes PLLC Partner
Stephen B. Humphress Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Assistant Attorney General
Bob Hunt MolsonCoors
Erica Hutchins Barnes Beverage Group Compliance Analyst
Maria Jackson Instacart Director & Associate General Counsel, Regulatory
J.B. Jarboe II Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits Partner & General Manager
Daniel Jasnow Arent Fox LLP
Sally Jefferson Wine Institute Director, Western States
Melani Johns Strike Kerr & Johns | Beverage Law Group LLP Partner
Douglas Jones Vin-Global, LLC Manager
Anne M. Junia Powell Junia P.C. Partner
Lisa Kahler Ready Training Consultant
Ken Kast DoorDash, Inc. Counsel, Product & Regulatory
Erin Kelleher Hinman & Carmichael LLP Partner
William A. Kelley, Jr. Beer Distributors of Massachusetts Inc. President
Sara Kirk Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Training Specialist
Harry G. Knight Flairsoft Ltd. Senior Advisor
Tyler Knode LibDib Head of Alcohol Compliance
Erica Koehnen Johnson Brothers Corporate Paralegal
Edgar Korzeniowski Griffith & Hughes PLLC Senior Associate
Dwayne Kratt Johnson Brothers Vice President External Affairs
Jeremy Kruidenier Wine and Spirits Distributors of Illinois
Barbara Kwon Danow, McMullan & Panoff, P.C. Partner
Ernest Legier Louisiana Department of Revenue - Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner
Margie Lehrman American Craft Spirits Association Chief Executive Officer
Jay Lerdal National Restaurant Association Manager, Business Development
Wilhelm Liebmann Dykema Gossett, PLLC Member Attorney
Randy Liebowitz Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Chief Legal Officer
Hunter Limbaugh Wine Institute Southeastern Counsel
Thomas A. Lisk Cozen O'Connor Partner
Margaret C. Lu Diageo North America Vice President & Asst. General Counsel
Nick Lucca Lionstone International President
Amanda Main Brown-Forman Corporation
Randy Malone Oklahoma Beverage Law Attorney
Patrick Maroney Maroney Consulting Services Consultant
Rochelle Marte MolsonCoors Senior Director, State Government Affairs
Michael Martinez Greenspoon Marder LLP Senior Counsel
Alva Mather McDermott Will & Emery LLP Partner
John Matthews eStrategy Solutions, Inc. Pres./CEO
Suzie McCormack Republic National Distributing Co.
Coleen McGee Flairsoft Ltd.
Donald S. McGehee Michigan Liquor Control Commission Division Chief, Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement-Michigan Attorney General
Kyle McKeen TruAge Solutions CEO
Dawn McNeely Terlato Wines International Director Regulatory Affairs
Stephanie Meier Amazon Services LLC Sr. Corporate Counsel, Alcohol
Terrance Merriweather National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) Director of Public Policy
Laura Miller Uber Eats
Ken Minami Delicato Vineyards Vice President & Deputy General Counsel
Claire Mitchell Stoel Rives LLP Attorney
Neal Morris Kentucky Distillers' Association Of Counsel
Robert Myers Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois President
Kevin Myers The Greentree Group Business Development
John Neal Walter Haverfield LLP Partner
Bentley Nettles GrayRobinson, P.A. Consultant
Michael Newman Holland & Knight, LLP Partner, Head of Alcohol Beverage Team
Jennifer Niesen Christopoulos Law Group, LLC Associate Attorney
Caroline OConnell Caroline O'Connell Law, LLC Attorney
Robert J. OHara Flaherty and O'Hara, P.C. Attorney
Sean OLeary O'Leary Law and Policy Group, LLC President
Christopher ORourke Moet Hennessy USA, Inc. Vice President-Legal & General Counsel
Wendy Parker Empire Distributors Director, Legal
Clarissa Patterson Infinium Spirits Compliance Specialist
Katie Payne Treasury Wine Estates Americas Company Senior Counsel
Pam Paziotopoulos Reyes Beverage Group Director, ABC Compliance
Rob Pinson Adams and Reese LLP Attorney
Paul E. Pisano National Beer Wholesalers Association Sr. Vice President Industry Affairs & General Counsel
Harlan Powell Powell Junia P.C. Partner
Vincent Queano Clark County - Department of Business License Director
Mary Rait Barnes Beverage Group Director of Compliance
Leor Reef goPuff
Steven Reeves Johnson Brothers General Counsel
Stephen Rehagen Brydon, Swearengen & England, P.C. Attorney
Christopher Riano Holland & Knight, LLP Of Counsel
Kelly Roberson Center for Alcohol Policy Executive Director
Brett Robinson Beer Distributors of Oklahoma President
Sarah Ross Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority Associate Legal Counsel
Deborah Rossi Beverage Associates Inc. Consultant
Tyler Rudd Wine Institute Central States Counsel
Kara Ruecker Amazon Services LLC Public Policy, Alcohol
Peter Salatich Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Director, State Government Affairs
Matthew D. Saltzman Saltzman Mugan Dushoff Managing Shareholder
Phillip Sanchez New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department - Alcoholic Beverage Control Division Division Counsel
Benjamin Savitsky Bernstein Redo & Savitsky P.C. Partner
Ryan Saxe Saltzman Mugan Dushoff, PLLC Shareholder
Erin Sayes Kenny Starns Kenny & Easterling Law Firm Partner
Erik Schaeffer Fintech Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Sara Schmidt-Flores Amy Harrison Consulting Consultant
Rachel Schneider MolsonCoors VP Sustainability & EHS
Laura Schoenthal Griffith & Hughes PLLC Legal assistant
Mary Segawa Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Public Health Education Liaison
Christopher Shepard NCSLA Senior Editor, Beer Marketers Insights
Nichole Shustack McDermott Will & Emery LLP Counsel
Katie Sieverding South Dakota Beer Distributors Association Executive Vice President
Charles Smarr Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. Attorney
Clark Smith Vela Wood P.C. Partner
Carlie Speelman Delicato Vineyards Trade Practices Compliance Manager
Ellen Spiropoulos Phillips Murrah P.C. Of Counsel
Adam Stapen Dill, Dill, Carr, Stonbraker & Hutchings, PC Partner
Jessica Starns-Debetaz Starns, Kenny & Easterling Law Firm Partner
Alan R. Steen Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits VP, Government Affairs
Rebecca Stolberg California Beer & Beverage Distributors Association Vice President
Michelle Stone-Principato Colorado Department of Revenue - Liquor Enforcement Division Director
Bronte Story Vela Wood P.C. Associate Attorney
Barry Strike Strike Kerr & Johns | Beverage Law Group LLP Partner
Kerry Stumpe Taylor English Duma, LLP Senior Manager, National Licensing & Permits
Matthew Swentkofske MolsonCoors Sr. Director of Regional Government Affairs-Great Lakes Region
Louis Terminello Greenspoon Marder LLP Partner
Christopher Thiemann Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Distilled Spirits Program Manager
William Tomaszewski, Inc. General Counsel
Tana Travis Griffith & Hughes PLLC Consultant
Andrew Tremble Reyes Beverage Group Senior Counsel
Wendy Turk Fintech Director, Regulatory Affairs
Bailee Van Camp Mark Anthony Services, Inc. Compliance Coordinator
Rachel Villarreal COOP ALE WORKS LLC Senior GL Accountant
Lynn Walding Diageo North America Executive Director, Control States
Griswold Ware MolsonCoors Assistant General Counsel - Emerging Growth
Tom Wark National Association of Wine Retailers Executive Director
Liz Watson Sovos ShipCompliant Senior Enterprise Account Manager
James Webster Webster Law Partners
Laura Wentling Ready Training Online Government Affairs Manager
Amy Whited Distilled Spirits Council Of The United States (DISCUS) Vice President, State Public Policy
Jordan Williams Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Associate General Counsel
Ginna Winfree Burrell Gullett, Sanford, Robinson, and Martin Partner
Mike B. Wittenwyler Godfrey & Kahn SC Shareholder
Alyssa Wolfe New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Assistant Attorney General
Terri Yardis Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Legal Manager
Bill Young Beer Institute Senior Director, Alcohol Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Jennifer Zenker Breakthru Beverage Group SVP, Government & Regulatory Affairs
Julie Zieme Direct Wines, Inc. VP Compliance


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  • Host: Maui Department of Liquor Control
  • The Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Kaʻanapali
  • Lahaina, HI
  • June 15–18, 2025
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  • Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown
  • Missoula, Montana
  • September 29 – October 1, 2024
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  • Host: Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery
  • The Essex Resort & Spa
  • Essex, Vermont
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