A Message to Prospective New Members.........
The National Conference of State Liquor Administrators welcomes anyone or organization directly or indirectly affiliated with the alcohol beverage industry to join our organization as an associate member. Associate members are entitled to register and attend any national or regional meeting of the association (at least three per year) where topical items of interest are discussed and debated. It is an excellent opportunity to network with senior alcoholic beverage administrators and other state officials throughout the country and keep abreast of what's happening in the industry and regulatory arena.
Associate members are comprised of various categories: federal and local government organizations, alcohol suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, trade associations, law firms, compliance specialists or consultants, service providers, and others who may be affiliated with the industry. Other government organizations include entities that may regulate or control alcoholic beverages at a local, city or county level that are not the primary statewide regulatory agency in their jurisdiction.
Membership category and amount of dues are based upon the nature, scope and size of the business or organization. A complete listing of the NCSLA dues structure is available for viewing to determine the category you would fall within.
Joining is easy! To become a member just complete the online application form.
After remitting the applicable membership fee, applicant automatically becomes an associate member entitled to all privileges of an associate member, subject to a confirmation vote at the next business meeting of the annual conference. Benefits apply to the entire business entity (not just an individual) per fiscal year. Membership year is July 1 through June 30.
Thank you in advance for your interest in NCSLA and we look forward to your future participation.
Should you have any questions about membership please contact:
Pamela Frantz, Executive Director National
Conference of State Liquor Administrators 543 Long Hill
Road Gurnee, IL 60031 847-721-6410 PFrantz@ncsla.org