National Conference of State Liquor Administrators
Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Hilton Richmond Downtown
501 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 344-4300


Take a tour of the Hilton Richmond Downtown

Conference Group Rates*:
Group Rate: $169/night plus taxes and fees for single/double occupancy.
Government Rate**: $145/night plus taxes and fees for single/double occupancy.

*Rates available for stays October 22 through October 27, subject to hotel availability.

**Must have valid government ID at check-in.

Group Reservation Website – make your hotel reservation online!

Associate members & Invitees: Group Reservations

Government members: Government Reservations

Last day to book group rate is Monday, October 3, 2022.

Public Transportation:

Airline Travel
Richmond International Airport (RIC) is located approximately 15 minutes (9.5 miles) from the Hilton Richmond Downtown and is serviced by major airlines. Please visit the website for more information.

Airport Transportation - taxi service, ride share and car rental are all available for travel to and from the airport.

Driving Directions

Hotel Parking Rates:
Valet – $32 per day
Self Parking – Not Available

Conference Host – Contact:

Travis Hill at 804-213-4402 or

Richmond, Virginia


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Conference Information

Richmond Virginia offers a blend of history, culture, dining and beautiful outdoor spaces that make it a regular on “must visit” lists.  Most recently featured in Travel + Leisure Magazine’s “The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2021”, Richmond has been patiently waiting for NCSLA’s visit since 2020.  Astride the James River, the nation’s “founding river”, Richmond is striking its own unique identity as a city with a rich and colorful past with an even brighter future that offers opportunities for everyone. As your conference host, we are excited to welcome you to “The RVA!”

Business Meeting

The 2022 North/South Regional conference theme is “Are We Feeling 22” and the program will cover a number of current topics facing regulators and industry. Our goal is to bring you some new faces on our panels and a good balance of industry and regulator perspectives.

During the conference, we will focus on three themes as part of the panel discussions. Technology is shifting both how we receive and market beverage alcohol as well as how we determine whether a sale may take place legally.  Panelists will delve into where technology presents challenges as well as opportunities in the industry.  While the term “innovation” may be as overused as “genius”, there’s something to be said for the products that are entering the market, whether from the non-alcoholic space or moving a brand from spirits to wine or beer.  We’ll have discussions around what is involved in communicating with regulators and consumers about a product through labeling and marketing programs.  Finally, panels will touch on the role regulations and public policy have on the beverage alcohol space from how regulatory entities engage in policy discussions to the role of public health organizations and the approval of new areas for alcohol consumption.

Business Agenda | Presenter Biographies

Social Activities

Our social activities will give you an opportunity to see some of the unique cultural landmarks in Richmond while relaxing with fellow conference attendees.  On Sunday evening, NCSLA will host an opening reception at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, where attendees will have the opportunity to see some of the VMFA’s nationally recognized collections.  On Monday, we will make a slight departure from tradition and host the President’s Banquet on the stage of the Carpenter Theatre, giving you Tuesday night to explore Richmond’s fantastic dining options.  There will also be a hospitality suite all three nights of the conference, allowing folks to catch up after the days’ events.


For those folks interested in a more extensive stay in Virginia’s Capitol City, is an excellent source of information for planning your extended stay.

Registration Information

Early conference registration ends Monday, October 3rd, 2022 so don’t delay! The registration fee increases on October 4th.

You have the option of paying by credit card or check. The registration fees are outlined below.

Registration Fees:
  • Government Member = $400 ($450 after October 3rd)
    STATE TRAVEL BAN? Contact Pam Frantz for details about the NCSLA Subsidy programs.
  • Associate Member = $550 ($650 after October 3rd)
  • Non-member Associate (one time dues waiver) = $800 ($850 after October 3rd)
  • Invitee of NCSLA President or Conference Host = $550
  • NCSLA Past President = Fee waived (NCSLA Bylaws Article I, Section 2)
  • NCSLA Past President Spouse = Fee waived
  • Spouse/Guest = $250 ($300 after October 3rd)
  • Spouse/Guest (Monday, October 24th President’s Banquet Only) = $150 ($200 after October 3rd)
  • Guest 3 – 20 Years Old = $150 ($200 after October 3rd)
  • Guest 3 – 20 Years Old (Monday, October 24th President’s Banquet Only) = $100 ($150 after October 3rd)
  • Guest 2 Years Old and Under = Fee Waived

If you are paying by check* please make it payable and mail to National Conference of State Liquor Administrators, 543 Long Hill Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 along with a copy of your registration.

*Please note that payment by check is not available after October 13, 2022.*

CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations are subject to a $200.00 deduction per person. Due to contractual commitments there will be NO REFUNDS AFTER October 13, 2022. NCSLA Federal Tax ID Number: 52-6043243.

ATTIRE: Attire for all scheduled business and social functions is business casual. The average high/low temperatures in Richmond in October are 71°/48° F so be sure to pack for wonderful fall weather!

SPECIAL NEEDS: Individuals with disabilities or special dietary requirements who need special accommodations should email Conference Planner, Erin Dillard at to make arrangements. Requests should be made no later than October 13, 2022 to allow sufficient time for us to meet your needs.

EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: the cost of one (1) 6 ft. or 8 ft. skirted table for two (2) consecutive conference days is $400 per table. If you would like to purchase exhibit space please complete the Exhibitor section on the registration form. Please contact Conference Planner, Erin Dillard at if you are interested in exhibiting and she will help coordinate and assist you with placing your internet, electrical and audio visual needs (e.g. cords, power strips, etc.) and arrange for direct billing. Exhibitors are responsible for all charges.

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If you don't have an account, complete the NCSLA User Account Application


Name Organization Title
Thomas Akras Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission Director, Legal and Legislative Division
Tevieca Andrews Louisiana Office of Alcohol & Tobacco Control Attorney
Sean Atkins Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Legal Assistant
Tabatha Blackwell Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Assistant Director
Ebony Connor Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Rodrigo Diaz Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board Chief Counsel
Samantha Dotson Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Counsel
Dakota Frenz County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Deputy Corporation Counsel
Marisha Gonzalez NCSLA Program Associate - Jaffe Management
James Graziano New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control ABC Director
John Hamilton Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Member
Kirstin Krueger New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Deputy Director
Ernest Legier Louisiana Office of Alcohol & Tobacco Control Commissioner
Kellie Lovan Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Licensing Director
Will Lukela Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Agency Director
Perry Mathis South Carolina Department of Revenue - Alcohol Beverage Licensing ABL Administrator
Courtenay McCloud SC Department of Revenue - ABL ABL Analyst
Renee C. Metz North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission Assistant General Counsel
Kelly Mulvaney New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Chief of Staff
Laurisa Nishimoto County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
Wilfred Okabe County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
Aaron Rummage Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Director of Legislation, Policy and Communication
Gerald Takase County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Director
Russell F. Thomas Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Executive Director
David Tomita Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Commission Member
Nicole Viaches SC Department of Revenue - ABL ABL Analyst
Stacie Waltjen County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Licensing Officer
Jennifer Wilkinson County of Hawaii - Liquor Control Liquor Commissioner
Maggie Woods Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Malt Beverage Administrator
Eric Anderson InfoLawGroup LLP Partner
Michael Arton Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Legal Director
Randy Barnhart Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits VP Governmental Relations Eastern Region & Canada
Janelle Beasley Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC Paralegal
Terri Beirne Wine Institute Eastern Counsel
Nicholas Bergman Buchman Law Firm, LLP Partner
Donovan Borvan Webster Law Partners Partner
Philip Boykin Virginia Beer Wholesalers Association President & CEO
Michael Brewer Alcoholic Beverage Consulting Service President
Clayton Byrd Amazon Services LLC Senior Manager, Public Policy
Alex Castle Old Dominick Distillery Master Distiller / SVP
Cynthia Chandler-Snell Federal Express Corporation Staff Director - Legal, Regulatory Affairs
Will Cheek Adams and Reese, LLP Partner
Heath Clark Tennessee Distilling Group Attorney and Special Projects Manager
Mary Clarke Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. Assistant General Counsel
Derek Correia ReserveBar President
Alicia Cronbach Cronbach Law Group PC Principal
Joseph Cruz Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Consultant
Danielle DAlessandro goPuff Corporate Affairs Principal
Fred Damuth The Greentree Group
Andy Deloney Distilled Spirits Council Of The United States (DISCUS) Vice President, State Public Policy
Danielle Elks Elks Law Attorney
Eric Evans Adams and Reese, LLP Special Counsel
Susan Evans GrayRobinson, P.A. Consultant
Lucy Farber St. George Spirits, Inc. Operations Manager
Courtney Felts Federal Express Corporation Lead Counsel
Rich Foge Tennessee Malt Beverage Association President
Pamela Frantz NCSLA Executive Director
Kimberly Frost Martin, Frost & Hill, P.C. Shareholder
Melanie A. Full E. & J. Gallo Winery Associate General Counsel
Emily Gant Foster Garvey PC Principal
Steve Gross Wine Institute Vice President, State Relations
Brian Haara Fultz Maddox Dickens PLC Attorney
Curtis Harrington Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC Attorney
John Harris GrayRobinson, P.A. Government Consultant
Katie Hatfield E. & J. Gallo Winery Manager Corporate Compliance
Ryan Haynes Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of Tennessee Executive Director
Jake Hegeman Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. General Counsel
Tom Henry Flaherty and O'Hara, P.C. Partner
Henry Hildebrand Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC General Counsel
Erica Hutchins Barnes Beverage Group Compliance Analyst
Cassie Isenhower-Coon Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission Digital & Social Media Manager
Anne M. Junia Powell Junia P.C. Partner
Erin Kelleher Hinman & Carmichael LLP Partner
Kaitlynd Kruger Flaherty and O'Hara, P.C. Partner
Elizabeth Kruis HOB Entertainment, LLC SVP Legal Affairs
Geralyn Lasher Wine Institute Director, Great Lakes States
Andrew Levy Provi Chief Corporate Affairs Officer
Randy Liebowitz Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Chief Legal Officer
Hunter Limbaugh Wine Institute Southeastern Counsel
Ryan Malkin Malkin Law, P.A. Principal Attorney
Rochelle Marte MolsonCoors Senior Director, State Government Affairs
Carol Martel Wine Institute Northeastern Counsel
Michael Martinez Greenspoon Marder LLP Senior Counsel
Ryan Mercurio Belcher Sykes Harrington PLLC Attorney
Laura Miller Uber Eats Director of Public Policy & Communications
Jo Moak Winebow, Inc. General Counsel
Jennifer Niesen Christopoulos Law Group, LLC Associate Attorney
Caroline OConnell Caroline O'Connell Law, LLC Attorney
Wendy Parker Empire Distributors Director, Legal
Pam Paziotopoulos Reyes Beverage Group Director, ABC Compliance
Jeff Pennington Pennington Distilling Co. Owner
Thomas R. Philpot GrayRobinson, P.A. Shareholder
Rob Pinson Adams and Reese, LLP Partner and Alcohol and Hospitality Team Leader
Paul E. Pisano National Beer Wholesalers Association Sr. Vice President Industry Affairs & General Counsel
Harlan Powell Powell Junia P.C. Partner
Leor Reef goPuff Government Affairs Principal
Bethany Richey Webster Law Partners
Deborah Ringo Diageo North America Director, Regulatory & Technical Affairs
Tyler Rudd Wine Institute Central States Counsel
Erik Schaeffer Fintech Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Nim Siriwardana Metacask CTO and Co-Founder of Metacask
Charles Smarr Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. Attorney
Clark Smith Vela Wood P.C. Partner
Nancy Staff Greenspoon Marder
Alan R. Steen Southern Glazer's Wine and Spirits VP, Government Affairs
Lorraine Terry JobsOhio Beverage System Senior Managing Director
Chris Thomas Barnes Beverage Group Senior Counsel
Wendy Turk Fintech Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Lynn Walding Diageo North America Executive Director, Control States
Laura Wentling Ready Training Online Government Affairs Manager
Mary Beth Williams Williams Compliance and Consulting Group, LLC President
Ginna Winfree Burrell Gullett, Sanford, Robinson, and Martin Partner
Terri Yardis Blue Cloud Distribution, Inc. Legal Manager

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